Phim Thuyết Minh TV
When Fortune Smiles/Vận May Mỉm Cười
My Love Is Sniper
神奇俠侶/Mr. & Mrs. Incredible
家有囍事 2009/All's Well, Ends Well 2009
金雞sss/Golden Chicken 3
八星抱喜/All's Well, Ends Well
12金鴨/12 Golden Ducks
金雞2/ Golden Chicken 2
金雞/Golden Chicken
皇家師姐III雌雄大盜 - In the Line of Duty III
The Duke Of Mount Deer
新彊屍先生 - Mr. Vampire
屍家重地 - Mortuary Blues
積奇瑪莉 - Sisters in Law
Crocodile Hunter
殭屍福星仔 - Vampire Kids
All’s Well End’s Well
All’s Well End’s Well II